
Last modified March 2024

Information in accordance with § 5 TMG
Softwaregini GmbH
Bleichenbrücke 9
20354 Hamburg

Represented by
Managing Directors: David Mente, Johannes Bock and Michael Stedler

Phone: (+49) 040-57308336

Register entry
Registration in the commercial register court: Hamburg
Register number: HRB 177669
Sales tax identification number in accordance with §27 a Sales Tax Act: DE357767609

Responsible person for content in accordance with § 18 para. 2 MStV:
Softwaregini GmbH
Bleichenbrücke 9
20354 Hamburg

Legal information about the website
All texts, images and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the provider, unless third-party copyrights exist. In any case, reproduction, distribution or public reproduction is only permitted with the revocable and non-transferable consent of the provider. The content of the website is created with great care. However, no guarantee can be given for timeliness and completeness. The provider assumes no responsibility for all web content connected via cross-reference (link), as this is not its own content. External links were checked for illegal content; no such content was discernible at the time of linking. However, there is no general monitoring and review obligation with regard to third-party content. Trademarks and brand names listed are the property of their respective owners.

The European Commission offers a platform for online dispute resolution that you can use here find. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.